
cichlids Analogy

We discover the necessary conditions for successful biotech ventures and help them become self-sufficient, learning from the nature of cichlid fish.

Cichlid fish is a tropical species that survive very well in the wild. High fertility, fry viability, and environmental adaptability are the three core keys to the remarkable propagation of the species. In particular, the high survival rate of the young is attributed to a unique feature of the cichlid: mouth breeder.

Cichlids, as a parent, put fertilized eggs in their mouth and wait until they hatch. Even after the eggs hatch, the fry stays in the parent’s mouth until they can swim on their own. Maternal love is witnessed with the parent looking after its offspring by fasting throughout the whole period that lasts more than a month.

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Innovation & Diversity
Connect innovative research with entrepreneurship
Evolution & Circulation
Re-seed the fruits of success to create a virtuous circle
Collaboration & Ecosystem
Maximize ecological value through sharing and collaboration
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